Our highly skilled PTs provide meaningful and functional solutions that allow students to access the curriculum and participate in daily classroom events. PTs serve as an active member of the IEP team as well as the educational community sharing their expertise to support existing educational policies regarding physical activity (as it pertains to building academic achievement, obesity prevention, and health promotion). PTs provide treatment when the service is needed for the student to benefit from their education. In the school setting treatment can be 1:1 direct therapy, consultation, and motor groups in a push in or pull out model. Talented therapists, supported by clinical leads, provide comprehensive, best practice services in school-based settings.
- Assessments conducted in accordance with state and federal guidelines accompanied by comprehensive, legally defensible reports covering all areas of abilities and suspected disability.
- Evaluate the ability of the student to navigate and negotiate the classroom and campus, development of gross motor skills at which level allow participation in educational activities such as recess, PE, field trips.
- Evaluate, order, and collaborate to identify adaptive classroom equipment to support inclusion and increase independence to support educational access and attain goals. Including assistive technology.
- Provide Consultation services for administrators, parents, students, and members of the IEP team.
- Participate in collaborative classroom service delivery models
- Assist educational teams in incorporating movement and activity into instruction (eg, differentiated instruction, UDL, and RtI).
- Manage and provide documentation: Therapy notes, data collection, attendance registers, progress reports, IEP goals.
- Knowledgeable in a variety of IEP management systems including SEIS, SIRAS
- In-services for educational staff and related providers on making the distinction between supporting developmentally appropriate motor skills for all students, screening for deficits, prevention of musculoskeletal injury and loss of health and function.
- Regional Clinical Supervisor assigned to provide continuous clinical support to address: questions, concerns, caseload/workload management issues, litigious IEP meetings, etc.
Additional Services
- Supervision of PT Students during Clinical Fieldwork Experiences
- Professional Development trainings
- Mobility evaluations, AT Evaluations, Adaptive Equipment Evaluation, order and fitting, IEEs (Independent Education Evaluations)
Our highly trained pediatric Physical Therapy Assistants are able to provide services within the scope of their practice, under the supervision of a Physical Therapist. The PTA shall document each treatment in the patient record, along with their signature. The PTA shall document in the patient record and notify the supervising PT of any change in the patient’s condition not consistent with planned progress or treatment goals.