For Districts
As many of our clinicians mobilize to provide teletherapy and long distance learning, SPG has compiled online resources and tools that we have found beneficial in facilitating better communication and understanding between parents, staff and other members of the IEP team.
Please CLICK HERE for details on providing teletherapy services for your District »
Telepractice Trainings Available »
12 Teletherapy Engagement Tips for Students with Complex Needs »
Deciding Which Teletherapy Model is Appropriate »
Related Service Teletherapy Models »
Video Conferencing Etiquette »
Supporting Students: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Mitigating Learning Loss - Video »
SPG would like to share these functional and relevant trainings created by our multidisciplinary teams. We are happy to offer all the below listed, pre-recorded titles, on a complimentary basis for the duration of the school closure period.
Contact for directives on how your staff can access the recorded training link(s).
Click here for a full list of Distance Learning Recorded Trainings »
Multidisciplinary Teletherapy
Bookshare Overview for Students with Learning Disabilities, Vision Impairments, and Physical Disabilities
Bookshare Overview for Students with Learning Disabilities, Vision Impairments, and Physical Disabilities
Presented by SPG AAC Clinical Supervisors (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Families Bookshare makes reading easier. People with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers can customize their experience to suit their learning style and find virtually any book they need for school, work, or the joy of reading. -
Creating Simple Visuals with Boardmaker and Other Free Resources
Creating Simple Visuals with Boardmaker and Other Free Resources
Presented by SPG AAC Clinical Supervisors (1 hr)Audience - Teacher/Related Service providers working with pre-k/early elementary students We will explore which visual supports are critical for students with Complex Communication Need. These visual supports are often overlooked in the home. This presentation will review the important visual supports needed in the home and demonstrate how to create them online. Visual schedules, Boardmaker Online, SymbolStix and other visual supports will be reviewed.
Behavioral Intervention
Changing Our Behavior
Changing Our Behavior
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals
This training explores how we can apply behavior analytic principles to our own behavior to live our best lives. Participants will learn the key components of self-management and self-monitoring for behavior change. They will also have the opportunity to outline a plan for self-management with prevention, identification of incompatible or replacement behaviors, a reinforcement plan and unique self-monitoring tools. -
Classroom Management Plans
Classroom Management Plans
Presented by Meghan Brewer, M.A., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr 15 min)Audience - Teachers
Classroom management plans assist teachers with setting up their classrooms for optimal success. This training assists with integrating behavioral structures such as task analyzing difficult routines, layered reinforcement systems, and environmental modification for best outcomes. Participants will be exposed to the components of high-quality classroom management plans and will have the opportunity to draft several components with support from presenters. This training is ideal for Special Educators. -
Integrating Data Systems to Inform Lasting Change in the Classroom
Integrating Data Systems to Inform Lasting Change in the Classroom
Presented by Jennifer Price, BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals
Data collection is an imperative part of any behavioral program. This training discusses the different types of data collection, reviews the pros and cons of different methods, and provides participants with an opportunity to practice utilizing a variety of datasheets. Participants are taught to visually inspect data and are given an overview of how data trends should inform intervention. -
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (30 min)Audience - SLPs, OTs, PTs, BCBAs, Teachers, Administrators
As multidisciplinary treatment teams continue to be required to address the complex needs of students, it's important that professionals have guidance on how to best collaborate. Effective collaboration has been associated with better treatment outcomes and less conflict in the workplace. This training is a set of basic guidelines derived from literature on the topic to assist with preventing issues before they arise, developing key competencies required to be an effective collaborator, and how to address issues if and when they arise. -
Low Intensity Behavior Strategies
Low Intensity Behavior Strategies
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals
Participants will learn seven low effort, high impact strategies to engage learners in the classroom and minimize problem behaviors. Each strategy will have an accompanying tip sheet and practical video-based scenarios. -
Prevention for Paraprofessionals
Prevention for Paraprofessionals
Presented by SPG BCBA Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Paraprofessionals
Preventing problem behavior is paramount for success in special education classrooms. This training covers strategies that focus on structuring the environment to prevent problem behavior and increase engagement in learning. Identifying environmental variables that precede problem behavior and understanding how to individualize prevention is outlined. -
Prompting and Prompt Fading
Prompting and Prompt Fading
Presented by Jessica Kishiyama, M.A., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Paraprofessionals
Prompting is an effective way to assist with skill development. This training provides participants with a comprehensive overview of the types of prompts, using prompt hierarchies to inform prompt fading, and how to utilize errorless learning for best outcomes. Participants are provided with opportunities to practice prompting and prompt fading across a variety of learning scenarios commonly seen in classrooms. -
Reinforcement Systems
Reinforcement Systems
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (30 min)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals
Participants will get an overview of token economies and how to best utilize reinforcement systems in varied classroom settings. The key components of effective reinforcement systems will be outlined for participants to develop new systems or troubleshoot existing systems. Participants will also be introduced to group reinforcement contingencies and will be provided with a token economy development worksheet. -
Replacement Behaviors for Paraprofessionals
Replacement Behaviors for Paraprofessionals
Presented by SPG BCBA Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Paraprofessionals
All problem behaviors have functionally equivalent behaviors that will assist with getting the student’s need met more appropriately. This training covers how to identify a useful replacement behavior based on how the problem behavior functions for the student and high impact, low effort reinforcement strategies to build up new skills. -
The Behavior Plan for Teachers/Paraprofessionals
The Behavior Plan for Teachers/Paraprofessionals
Presented by SPG BCBA Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals
Once challenging behaviors have been assessed, information gathered should be utilized to develop the Behavior Intervention Plan. In this training, participants are guided through the components of the behavior plan, how to develop interventions to make challenging behaviors ineffective for the student, and how to write functionally equivalent replacement behavior goals. This session is the perfect follow up to the Assessing Problem Behavior training. -
The Big Four: the Key Skills Students Need to Prevent Problem Behavior
The Big Four: the Key Skills Students Need to Prevent Problem Behavior
Presented by SPG BCBA Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers
This training focuses on the article "The Big Four", which covers four repertoires that are "likely universal repertoires that may constitute a core curriculum for child(ren) at risk for problem behavior and would increase the likelihood of navigating his or her environment effectively in such a way as to contribute to the overall quality of life". Attendees will learn to identify the four repertoires and how to teach them across a variety of functioning levels. -
Understanding and Changing Behavior
Understanding and Changing Behavior
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals
This training covers why problem behaviors are likely to occur as well as the essential components to any effort to change behavior. The functions of problem behavior and how they relate to the skill deficits of the individual are reviewed in an easy to digest format. Strategies to prevent behaviors, teach replacement behaviors, and also change your response to behavior are reviewed and practiced. -
Understanding and Changing Behavior for Parents
Understanding and Changing Behavior for Parents
Presented by SPG BCBA Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Parents
This training outlines the guiding principles of behavior analysis in a parent-friendly format. Concepts such as behavior as communication, identifying and building up replacement behaviors, and appropriate responses to behavior based on function will assist parents with ensuring optimal success with behavior in the home. Prevention, prompting, and easy to implement reinforcement strategies are covered. -
Using Effective Behavior Management
Using Effective Behavior Management
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisors (3 hrs)Audience - SLPs This presentation outlines ways to prevent and manage problem behaviors so that classrooms will be optimally productive and fun. Participants will learn about the basic functions of behavior, ways to prevent problems before they arrive, and how to maximize learning time on task. Low effort, high impact strategies will be covered and modeled. -
Using Reinforcement Effectively for Paraprofessionals
Using Reinforcement Effectively for Paraprofessionals
Presented by SPG BCBA Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Paraprofessionals
Reinforcement shapes how we behave on a daily basis. This training teaches participants the guiding principles of reinforcement and how to use reinforcement to increase positive behaviors and remove inadvertent reinforcement for problem behaviors. -
Using Visual Supports
Using Visual Supports
Presented by DeAnna Mercier Glass, M.Ed., BCBA, Clinical Supervisor (1 hr)Audience - Teachers, Paraprofessionals, SLPs
We all rely on visual information to navigate through our days. Visual systems can be a powerful support for children on the spectrum. Examples of a variety of visual systems such as visual schedules, choice boards, transition systems, and checklists are reviewed for their practical applications into classrooms. Visual systems for both preventing and responding to challenging behavior are reviewed.